Jess contributes sporadically to several publications including Cities Speak, Urban Land, Next City, and Planetizen. She is always open to invitations to write with and for like-minded colleagues.
Jones, Alex, and Jess Zimbabwe. "Public Spaces and Local Democracy." Cities Speak. 20 April 2018
Zimbabwe, Jess. "Affordable Housing Is The Real Issue Behind The Oakland Warehouse Fire." Cities Speak. 15 December 2016.
Gaspar, Christine, and Jess Zimbabwe. "Walking the Walk: Putting Equity Into Practice." Impact Design Hub/Next City. 22 July 2015.
Zimbabwe, Jess. "A City that Takes its Planning Seriously (or Not)." Planetizen. 21 February 2014.
Zimbabwe, Jess. "A Dispatch from the Mayor’s Innovation Project." Next City. 29 January 2010.
Wendover, Jess. “Dispatch -- Congress for the New Urbanism - Green Architecture and Urbanism Council.” Places, 20(1), 2008.
Wendover, Jess. “Globalization and Its Discontents: Book Review.” Berkeley Planning Journal. Volume 14. 2000. Pp. 121-123.
Zimbabwe, Jess. "In Detroit, Neighborhood Redevelopment Starts With “Trusting Your Gut” Cities Speak. 11 May 2018.
Zimbabwe, Jess. “Navigating East Independence: A new direction forward for transportation in east Charlotte.” Urban Land. 13 April 2012
Zimbabwe, Jess. “The Foreclosure Crisis and Neighborhoods: Four U.S. mayors discuss strategies to tackle rapidly declining neighborhoods that have been hit with vacancies and foreclosures.” Urban Land. 1 March 2010
Zimbabwe, Jess. “Lead and Tell: Six Mayors Talk About Their Cities’ Accomplishments and Challenges.” Next American City. Fall 2009.
Zimbabwe, Jess. “Mayor League: An Interview with five leading U.S. mayors.” Next American City. Fall 2008.
Zimbabwe, Jess. "Our Kaka'ako." Designed for the Future: 80 Practical Ideas for a Sustainable World. Editor: Green, Jared. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2015.
Zimbabwe, Jess. “Public Service and Community Involvement.” AIA Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition. Editor: Rena Klein. New York: Wiley Press, 2013.
Zimbabwe, Jess. “Building Toward the Public Interest: the National Significance of the Collaborative.” Leverage: Strengthening Neighborhoods Through Design. Editors: Beth Miller and Todd Woodward. Philadelphia: Community Design Collaborative, 2011.
Zimbabwe, Jess. “Fitting the Square Peg of a Service-Oriented Internship into the Round Hole of IDP.” Bridging the Gap: Public-Interest Architectural Internships. Editors: Georgia Bizios & Katie Wakeford. 2011.
Cranz, Galen, with Jess Wendover, Iris Tien, Mark Gillem, and Jon Norman. “College of Environmental Design: UC Berkeley Temporary Home.” Designing for Designers: Lessons Learned from Schools of Architecture. Editors: Thomas Fisher, Jack L. Nasar, and Wolfgang F. E. Preiser. New York: Fairchild Publications, Inc., 2007.
Wendover, Jess. “A Space for the Nation.” 306090 Architecture Journal. Volume 6. March 2004. Pp. 124-131.