
Jess contributes sporadically to several publications including Cities Speak, Urban Land, Next City, and Planetizen. She is always open to invitations to write with and for like-minded colleagues.


Essays and commentary

news articles

Book chapters

  • Zimbabwe, Jess. "Our Kaka'ako." Designed for the Future: 80 Practical Ideas for a Sustainable World. Editor: Green, Jared. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2015.

  • Zimbabwe, Jess. “Public Service and Community Involvement.” AIA Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Edition. Editor: Rena Klein. New York: Wiley Press, 2013.

  • Zimbabwe, Jess. “Building Toward the Public Interest: the National Significance of the Collaborative.” Leverage: Strengthening Neighborhoods Through Design. Editors: Beth Miller and Todd Woodward. Philadelphia: Community Design Collaborative, 2011.

  • Zimbabwe, Jess. “Fitting the Square Peg of a Service-Oriented Internship into the Round Hole of IDP.” Bridging the Gap: Public-Interest Architectural Internships. Editors: Georgia Bizios & Katie Wakeford. 2011.

  • Cranz, Galen, with Jess Wendover, Iris Tien, Mark Gillem, and Jon Norman. “College of Environmental Design: UC Berkeley Temporary Home.” Designing for Designers: Lessons Learned from Schools of Architecture. Editors: Thomas Fisher, Jack L. Nasar, and Wolfgang F. E. Preiser. New York: Fairchild Publications, Inc., 2007.

journal article

  • Wendover, Jess. “A Space for the Nation.” 306090 Architecture Journal. Volume 6. March 2004. Pp. 124-131.